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Citrus Yellowing with Cold Room Systems

Due to the fact that physiological damage is seen in citrus products...

Cold Room Systems are mostly preferred in the citrus yellowing process, as it facilitates the process. Since physiological damages are seen more in citrus products, these products are taken into Cold Room Systems in a healthy way and these damages are prevented. The skin color of such products changes from green to orange with carotenoids, corresponding to the conversion of chlorophyll to chromoplast and the reduction of chlorophyll.
Since such citrus products do not change much after harvest, they should be harvested at a time ready for consumption for the yellowing process and stored under appropriate conditions of use. All companies that can easily make these appropriate uses thanks to the Cold Room both help the products to turn yellow quickly and allow them to reach the consumer in a healthy and undamaged way. Cold Storage has just started to take place among the indispensable devices of the food industry.
Companies that do not try to keep up with this change persistently incur losses and experience the highest loss of product. However, companies that want to deliver their products to the consumer in a healthy way without resisting change now make a lot of profit thanks to these systems and allow the consumer to buy the products healthily whenever they want.
If you want to buy Cold Room Systems and store your products safely and deliver them to the consumer, we recommend that you contact our company immediately and buy the most suitable devices for you.
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