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Cold Room Installation

Cold room installation is a frequently used process, especially in the food industry.

Cold room installation is a frequently used process, especially in the food industry. The cold room provides a low temperature environment for the storage or processing of products.
Cold room installation is primarily designed according to the needs and requirements of the business owner. Therefore, the installation process consists of a set of predetermined steps:
Planning: Before starting the cold room installation, first of all, the purpose of the cold room is determined and a design is prepared according to the needs of the business owner. During the design phase, factors such as the dimensions of the cold room, temperature range, air circulation, humidity control are taken into account.
Material Selection: Appropriate materials must be selected for the installation of the cold room. These materials include elements such as cold room walls, doors, floors and ceilings. Material selection should be suitable for cold room temperature.
Cold Room Assembly: After the cold room materials are selected, the assembly process can be started. The assembly process includes assembling cold room wall, floor and ceiling panels, installing doors and installing cooling systems.
Cold Room Electrical and Mechanical Installation: After the cold room installation is completed, the installation of electrical and mechanical systems begins. These systems control the temperature of the cold room, adjust the humidity level and manage the ventilation systems.
Cold Room Test and Approval: After the cold room installation is completed, tests are performed to ensure that all systems are working properly. These tests check whether the temperature of the cold room is in the desired range, the humidity level is correct and air circulation is provided. Successful completion of the tests indicates that the cold room is ready for use.
Cold room installation is a process that requires expertise. For this reason, it is recommended that those who want to install cold rooms work with an expert company.
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